
Blog: Get Ready to Renovate

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Avoid These Renovation Budget Pitfalls

At Houseplay, we understand that home renovations can feel confusing, overwhelming and even scary. We make it our goal to make the process as transparent and straightforward as possible, holding your hand every step of the way. Researching the average cost of a home renovation project in your area can be a good way to [...]

2020-03-12T16:23:44-04:00September 15th, 2018|Get Ready to Renovate|
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What You Need to Know about Choosing a Contractor

Here's the most important idea we can share with you about the process of choosing a contractor ... Decide who you want to work with ... before you even meet them! This might sound counter-intuitive, but hear us out. The most efficient thing you can do is to research and find the best contractor in [...]

2017-07-28T02:48:53-04:00August 20th, 2015|Get Ready to Renovate|
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4 (Fun!) Reasons to Renovate

Hail, intrepid homeowner! Welcome to our Get Ready to Renovate series. This post is the first of four, so be sure to check back for the next installment! To start, let's examine a major myth of the home renovation process … namely, that it's pure drudgery. This pervasive assumption stops many in their tracks. But [...]

2017-07-28T02:50:28-04:00July 10th, 2015|Get Ready to Renovate|