At Houseplay we work with a lot of young families, and since our co-founders Tammy and Niall have three kids themselves, we get a LOT of questions about designing kid-friendly spaces.

While we have a ton of fun making our custom kitchen, bathroom and other room designs kid-friendly with fun touches, today we’re talking about creating awesome kids’ bedrooms and playspaces.

In this video you’ll learn Tammy’s top tips for:

  • How to choose the best pieces of furniture for your child’s room
  • Where to store (and not to store) toys
  • How to create bedrooms that are conducive to good sleep

Check it out here:

Do you need help figuring out how to make your home work better for the stage your kids are in? That’s exactly why we created the Vision & Planning Session. Even if you’re not planning a big renovation, this session will help you upgrade your kids’ play and sleep spaces, make your family life easier and calmer, and add to your overall quality of life.